Posted by admin on Feb 13, 2012

Can steroid repair ligament and muscles tear?

From a doctor’s point of view, there is only one solutions to a ligament and tear; physical therapy and some rest. Naturally, if you put more pressure on a tear you may eventually need surgery to repair it. From a steroid-user’s point of view, the answer is yes and no. while some of the steroids available in the market can improve conditions so that your ligaments repair faster, they do not heal. Then you have to keep in mind the cycle you are in and the type of steroids you are using. The circumstances of each person vary and a certain steroid may not work for you as it may for other people. Non-steroid users can try the use of steroids for their torn ligaments but as has been mentioned above, they do not heal or repair torn muscles and ligaments. What steroids do is to stimulate and improve the conditions in your body that will help in the healing of torn muscles.

A good example of such steroids is deca-durabolin which works to improve collagen synthesis and mineral content in the bones. This will help a lot in the muscles and ligaments that have been torn during exercise.

Another steroid that is known for use in the repair of ligaments and muscles is HGH. The quality in anavar that aids in the repair of ligaments and torn muscles is its ability to reproduce cartilage in the presence of IGF. HGH stands for human growth hormone and IGF (somatomedin) is released from the liver in the presence of HGH in the body. It is the latter that aids in the reproduction of cartilage hence the improvement of repair of ligament and muscles tear. They will help a lot in the improvement of your lot when you have been injured while exercising.

The catch with steroids is that some people cannot make use of them. Even while you have been making use of steroids, you may be in a cycle that does not allow you to make use of HGH or deca-durabolin even for medicinal purposes. Non-users of steroids will have to deal with the cons of the respective steroids depending on how long and how much they use. HGH may lead to heart enlargement and low blood sugar. Hyperglycemia is also one of the cons of using HGH. When it comes to deca-durabolin, liver patients are never supposed to use it.  This is because the chances of liver damage are almost 100% no matter how long you make use of them. Deca is a steroid whose chemical structure has been altered to prevent it from being digested when it goes through the body. However, it may be too cumbersome for the liver and cause you liver damage. While steroids can fasten the healing of the liver, the price may be too high.

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